Welcome to Alpine

Making and Growing Disciples Who Know, Live & Share the Love of Jesus

Join us for Worship Sundays at 9 am.

This Week at Alpine

Kingdom Life

Live your best life! How many times have you heard that statement recently? For many in our culture, the "best life" involves having a lot of stuff and experiencing very little suffering! Yet, along comes Jesus and He teaches a completely different narrative. According to Jesus, the "best life" is the "Kingdom Life," one in which you embrace the reign of Jesus fully in this life. Join us on Sunday mornings as we explore the implications and blessings of the "Kingdom Life" through Jesus' most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount!
Click on the image to register for free


Bible Classes for All Ages:  

God desires a closer relationship with you! Through daily worship, prayer, and study of His word we are able to grow in our faith and disciple others. (Matthew 28:19)
Join us for one of our weekly bible studies. Click the button below for more details.

Worship Times

Worship  9:00-10:20 am
Class  10:30-11:15 am

 Class - 6:30 pm

Worship Location

610 E Loop 281
Longview, TX 75605