Alpine Christian
Mission Statement
Alpine Christian Academy is committed to loving children in the moment; while preparing them for their future.
Alpine Christian Academy is a ministry of the Alpine Church of Church. The school began serving families in the East Texas area in 1995. Our goal is develop the whole child – academically, socially, physically, creatively and morally through an enriched academic curriculum and high expectations.
Pre School
We realize starting preschool is a big step for a child and his/her parents. If you visit our preschool classes, you will find our children comfortable and secure in their surroundings ACA believes in hands-on activities through play and instruction. ACA’s preschoolers are guided by dedicated, experienced teachers who have a love for children and work with parents to maintain a close relationship between school and home. This high quality early childhood program provides a safe and nurturing environment for ages 12 months to Kindergarten
We at ACA are committed to providing your child strong academic studies in a loving, caring environment. Mastery of skills, a need to progress and a strong spiritual enrichment are of great importance. Our family atmosphere and small classes enhance good communication between home and school. Our desire is for your child to be prepared academically, and challenged to do their best. Alpine Christian Academy’s goal is that your children succeed in all areas of life.

Pit Crew
The ACA Pit Crew (Parent Involvement Team) is The Pit Team is a vital part of ACA. This group is run by you, the parents. PIT helps us with all of our special activities and fundraising opportunities. For more information about how you can join the team, visit someone in the ACA office.
Alpine Christian Academy
Mon-Fri 7:15 am-5:30 pm
610 East Loop 281
Longview, Texas 75605
Office: (903) 758-4995
Mon-Fri 7:15 am-5:30 pm
610 East Loop 281
Longview, Texas 75605
Office: (903) 758-4995

Jill Zea
Pre-School Director